Surfing legend's estate eschews conservation, insists on sale to highest bidders

Desert Trumpet has learned that a single limited partnership, PMD Investments II, L.P. and its two principals, a brother and sister, control 38 parcels of undeveloped land totaling nearly 1000 acres located between Highway 62 and the Joshua Tree National Park boundary. Conservationists have raised concerns that should all of the PMD holdings be sold and developed, the landscape south of Highway 62 stretching from from Twentynine Palms to Yucca Valley would be permanently altered
Two parcels recently sold or are in escrow: a 107 acre parcel surrounding Palm Vista Elementary on three sides and bordering the Joshua Tree National Park Headquarters closed escrow on February 15; and 218 acres in Indian Cove bordering the Park is currently in escrow to a developer and scheduled to close in June. Other parcels, which range in size from a few acres to more than 100 acres, are scattered across an area extending from Utah Trail on the east to Yucca Mesa Rd. on the west. Two sets of parcels stretch from 62 to the Park boundary.
PMD actually controlled even more parcels prior to the pandemic. Between December 30, 2020 and August 11, 2021, PMD sold at least 6 of their Joshua Tree parcels, also located on the south side of 62 in a stretch of just 3.5 miles between Swanson and Hollinger Roads.
The limited partnership was formed in 1994 and lists a Mission Viejo address. The principals were Phillip Hoffman and two of his children, Martin Hoffman and Dana Cederberg. Phillip Hoffman, a legend in the surfing world, passed away in 2010. According to sources, the principals of PMD are interested in selling for investment rather than conservation, a common sentiment among large landowners in the Morongo Basin.
Thanks to the Morongo Basin Conservation Association for additional mapping and research.
Grove Crank, triad has several large listing https://www.homes.com/property/69500-twentynine-palms-29-palms-ca-92277/id-1000238211502/
Maybe this explains why I'm bombarded with sale inquiries on a daily basis....Not selling!