And answer our poll—which Morongo Basin community do you call home?

While we have many readers in Twentynine Palms following our City Hall coverage, we acknowledge that readers elsewhere in Morongo Basin may not be as interested in the intricacies of politics at the other end of Hwy 62. That’s why we are introducing dedicated newsletters that allow you choose the coverage you want to receive and the coverage you don’t.
Regional coverage and a poll
We are also gradually onboarding region-specific coverage for Morongo Basin communities: Homestead Valley (Flamingo Heights, Johnson Valley, Landers, Yucca Mesa), Joshua Tree, Morongo Valley, Pioneertown, and Yucca Valley.
To help us better understand our current audience as we develop these newsletters, will you answer a two-question survey on where you live and work?
City Hall 29, Desert Developments, and Wildlife Wednesday
Included with your current Desert Trumpet subscription are three new newsletters you can elect to receive (or not).
City Hall 29 is our Twentynine Palms accountability newsletter. We break down and analyze City Council and Planning Commission agendas and publish recaps of City Council, Planning Commission, and Tourism Business Improvement District (TBID) meetings. During regular City Hall schedules, we aim to publish recaps on Saturdays, and agenda previews on Sundays, giving our readers the information they need to engage with their representatives at Tuesday and Thursday City meetings.
Desert Developments is our occasional reporting on development and the desert ecosystem throughout the Morongo Basin — glamping, resorts, STRs, solar farms, and the critters and plants living with them.
Wildlife Wednesday features surprising wildlife facts, stories, and photos, authored by Kat Talley-Jones. Wildlife Wednesday publishes on the last Wednesday of each month.
To receive everything we publish, do nothing further! All of our Twentynine Palms and Morongo Basin coverage will arrive in your inbox.
However, if you prefer to pass on any of these newsletters, go to your Substack settings, scroll down to “subscriptions,” and click on or hit “Edit” for the Desert Trumpet. Simply uncheck the box next to the newsletter you don’t want to receive in your inbox. Examples from each newsletter can be seen by scrolling down our front page.
And please help us develop our coverage by answering our “Where do you live?” survey!
Thanks for reading the Desert Trumpet!
Many communities in the Morongo Basin are economically disadvantaged, so our coverage will always be free. However, if you have the means to support our work, we always appreciate upgrades to a paid subscription. Your upgrade helps keep subscriptions free for those who cannot afford to donate.
Note that donations in excess of $100 are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law, and your subscription/donation will be listed as AHA Projects, the name of our fiscal receiver, on your statement. Donations over $100 can be made via the Aha Paypal.
Share your thoughts in the comments below. Please note that we do not allow anonymous comments. Please be sure your first and last name is on your profile prior to commenting. Anonymous comments will be deleted.
Your reporting and writing is some of the best around, so we're really happy you'll consider covering Joshua Tree with the same care you have for 29!
what happened at the meeting of the future of 29 palms a week ago ? anything good ?