Jun 21, 2023·edited Jun 21, 2023

Some solid points made in this piece. I was pleased when the City opened up the $50K grant dollars, encouraging those outside of City Staff and Parks & Rec department to put events together but can see that the lack of call for details is indeed a bit light. Having so little information about the projected event is just asking the sub-committee to dig deeper, or worse, skim past without giving each request the attention deserved.

It's a win for grant money and acknowledgement of more neighborhood activities using local organizers. The next step would benefit a second, more thorough round of the application procedure.

edit: the Indio app link is broken but found https://cityofindio.seamlessdocs.com/f/mkzqqosugw1s

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Yes, agreed. I exchanged several emails with Scott and Frank, some prior to the grant press release (the first version of the announcement didn't include a website or any link to an application). I suggested that they were in essence doing a two round process without announcing it....and that another way to approach it is to ask for a minimum amount of information in the first round (ie amount of budget, amount of ask, event description, organizer experience), then make a cut and do a second round asking for more information (project budget, marketing plans, personnel, confirmation of venue etc). And thanks, not sure what happened on that link but will fix it.

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Jun 21, 2023·edited Jun 21, 2023

Makes sense to me. I recall the pushback about a committee or having the PACC involved, but at a minimum at least set the sub-committee up with the information and tools to review the applications. I imagine it is difficult to convey a mission of an idea or event in a few simple lines, especially if you are inexperienced in doing so.

Not every event needs to be five figure and hope this process does not discourage applicants and/or have some simple ones passed by.

I hope they heed some of your suggestions Cindy. Or sadly, just more unintended work for the sub-committee.

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Download link is fixed now!

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These things always need refinement, but at least it’s a start, so good for them.

My biggest concern, unless this grant opportunity has already been open for awhile, is that 2 or 3, or even 6 weeks until deadline is not long enough to organize and plan an event worthy of receiving a grant. Hopefully there will be several months lead time next time, or a promise from the city that this will be available next year, so people and can plan and organize.

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Agreed, the time frame is very short, I think they were announced June 3-ish.

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