Keep up the pressure and great fight to save your community from the STVR invasion that is negatively impacting our desert region. There is no upside to STVRs, except to the owners' pocketbooks. Never fear, tourist dollars will continue to visit the Joshua Tree area and they can stay in hotels designed and zoned for that purpose. Residential areas are zoned for peaceful enjoyment of neighborhoods, not noise, transience, and disruption STVRs most certainly bring to to your neighborhoods.

Please don't let your beautiful high desert community be compromised by STVRs, like what's occurred in the low desert. Not only your two recused commissioners, who came frightfully close to voting on a measure that benefits them, but also be mindful of the airbnb and VRBO organizations' aggressive push into the JT area. The motivation behind STRVs is greed, not the greater good.

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that this wasn’t the decision initially says a lot about the disorder (disorder is all it is, at best) of this small city’s governance. who can say how many instances of failure to recuse oneself have been in play when there were decisions of large impact to be made. this is not a feel-good action as it should have been a no-brainer for any respectable city official or rep, but rather an 11th hour call after they understood future scrutiny would be unbearable. kudos to those who vocalized concern and put pressure on the powers that be, and thereby forcing their hand.

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