ON THE AGENDA: Planning Commission, April 2, 2024
The Planning Commission considers several dangerous and derelict properties in Twentynine Palms

The next City of Twentynine Palms Planning Commission meeting will be at City Hall this Tuesday, April 2, at 5:00 p.m.
There are seven items on this week’s Planning Commission agenda. The meeting opens with the election of Planning Commission Chair and Vice Chair and public hearings look at structures and properties that could be declared as dangerous and as public nuisances. Twentynine Palms has no shortage of derelict or abandoned buildings, which some see as eyesores and others as opportunities for rehabbing as cute houses or short-term rentals. Will this spark a larger discussion of dangerous and derelict buildings in the City?
The agenda packet can be found on the City’s newly refurbished website, which will also have a livestream link for watching at home on the day of the meeting. The recording will be available for viewing later on YouTube.
After Planning Commission announcements, you can comment on items not on the agenda. Public comments on agenda items will be requested when the item is discussed. Fill out a green comment sheet for public comments or agenda item comments and hand it to the staff, usually sitting at the desk at the front of the room on the right side. You have 3 minutes to make your comments.
You may also email comments to Planning Commission members and Keith Gardner, the Community Development Director, and request that comments be read at the meeting.
Approve Minutes of March 19, 2024, Meeting, which covers the Commission and public discussions of the Twentynine Palms Farmers Market.
Approve the Addition of a Carport at the Twentynine Palms Cemetery. The new 16 x 20’ carport structure will be compatible with the 1941 building to which it is attached.
Items 5-7: Dangerous Buildings & Public Nuisances
Some of these structures have been receiving notice of code violations for as far back as 2015, which asks us to question why the process of taking action on public nuisances takes so long. It is admirable that owners without the means to make repairs are given time to do so, but eight years is a long time by anyone’s standard, even with two COVID pandemic years when little was accomplished, and neighbors do not welcome living next to trash dumps. The Planning Commission will consider recommending that two sets of structures be declared to be dangerous and public nuisances along with one undeveloped parcel.
72383 Twentynine Palms Highway (at La Luna Avenue)
A property on Old Dale Road, east of downtown Twentynine Palms
6531 Mission Avenue (near Twentynine Palms Highway)
72383 Twentynine Palms Highway

The Planning Commission proposes that two structures located west of La Luna on the south side of the highway be demolished or reconstruction. Jacqueline Gipson, the owner, has 20 days to get a demolition permit and start tearing down within 45 days. Alternately, she can submit reconstruction plans within the same timeframe.
Since 2016, the City has sent six notices for violations. In 2022, the owner obtained a permit to fix the roofing on the structures, but it expired in May 2023 without any work done. If the owner doesn't act, the City might step in to either demolish or fix the structures using a licensed contractor. The recommendation of Staff is that it be authorized by the Planning Commission to demolish the structures.
Old Dale Property

A 12.84-acre parcel east of Utah Trail has become an illegal dumping site littered with abandoned vehicles, trash, and other debris. The City’s code enforcement department has issued six violation notices since 2017; however, the property owner is deceased, and no one has been identified who will take responsibility for the property.
Staff recommends that the Planning Commission declare that the property is a public nuisance, and the owner will be required to clean up. If no one can be found who is responsible for the property, the City will acquire jurisdiction to remove the junk that has been dumped on the property. The owner will be billed for the work, and if that isn’t paid, costs may be levied and assessed against the property as a lien or special assessment tax.1
6531 Mission Avenue

A fire-damaged single-family dwelling across the street from the Holiday Inn Express is deteriorating, and the owners, the Simmons Family Trust, have not responded to six notices of violation since 2015. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt a resolution that both declares the property a public nuisance and orders the owner to demolish the structure within 45 or obtain permits to rehabilitate the building within six months.
If the property owner doesn't follow the Planning Commission's decision, Code Enforcement will get a special order to fix the problem. They'll tear down the damaged building and remove everything, like the slab, septic tank, trash, and utilities. After they finish, they'll figure out how much it cost. The Council will decide if the owner has to pay all costs within 10 days after the public hearing.
The final item is a update from the Community Development Director. There are no discussion or potential action items nor study session listed in the agenda.
If property taxes are not paid within five years, it could be sold at auction. Public records suggest that property taxes have not been paid for this property since 2022.
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Thank goodness
We’ve been living with trash smoke fumes, ashes, tweakers for at least 7 years on mission
Code enforcement did nothing