In reviewing numerous news items from the period surrounding this video for an upcoming media interview, I must say I am disappointed that The Desert Trumpet never made the effort to reach out to me or any other staff member at Desert Beacon for any sort of comment. My name was misspelled and Desert Beacon was not even referenced in association. Given that we were actively participating in the VHR dialogue, regularly attending the meetings and were instrumental in developing the VHR Good Neighbor Certificate program at the request of the City, one can only wonder on why The Desert Trumpet could not have made more of an effort if your goal is to provide objective reporting. I feel that this was a very significant missed opportunity in which we could have effected a better outcome for or City of 29 Palms and the entire gateway area. I would love to sit down and have frank conversation if you intend to follow up on this story.

Eric Menendez - Desert Beacon

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Eric, this article is more than 2 years old....

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Also it was a series of quick news briefs, not a comprehensive article on the topic....and this was published before the Good Neighbor Program existed. I'm not sure which section of the news briefs you're referring to - can you be more specific?

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Exactly. As I said above, I have multiple media requests coming in and have an interview tomorrow regarding this video. I was doing my due diligence in reviewing articles surrounding the time period of the video, which is how I came across this article which is two years old. Perhaps reread the comment if you are having difficulty understanding my point. I have serious concerns about your objectivity surrounding the VHR issue, and feel you have never been objective when it comes to the work we were trying to do at Desert Beacon. As I said in the last line, if you desire to follow up on this story, I am happy to sit down with you should you desire. Thanks Cindy, I appreciate your consideration and commend you for your service to 29 Palms. -Eric

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The history of Desert Trumpet is that it founded by the activist group 29 Palms Neighbors, which did indeed support reasonable regulations on STRs. As you know I was on the City Council subcommittee that revised the regulations in 2021-2022. That said, please don't confuse 29 Palms Neighbors activities with the Desert Trumpet, which certainly includes opinion and commentary but that is labeled as such. The 2 year old article is quoting from the MBCA about the video they released. Can you please be specific about what part of this article you feel indicates bias?

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