At issue:

In his total commitment to nonviolence, Gandhi always included the animals, stating, “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” Most of candidates spoke directly to the issue of a new animal shelter, and the its funding. A couple of answers fell short expressing a deep concern.

I invite Everyone to pay a visit to the city/county local Palms-N-Paws Animal shelter. The leadership and staff are doing an outstanding job and showing much love for those Incarcerated animals. The shelter is overflowing with these precious animals. And as the city rapidly grows, so to will the Increasing. need for a new shelter. Volunteer has an animal walker.

Given Gandhi's criteria for a great nation -- The city of Twentynine Palms would not fare very well. Some candidates had an accumulation of some very good ideas for raising money, and let's not forget the county as part of this solution.

Visitis the animal shelter, tour all of this it's facilities. I think you will reach the same conclusion that I have: A new animal sheller is a must. It ought to be a salient priority!

Once again, frankly speaking, not all of the candidates seemed to actually give a big toot about a new animal shelter. They sounded more like politicians giving lip-service to a difficult situation.

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Time for a little humble pie... I regret the numerous errors In terms of proof reading.

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